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Meditation for daily stresses

Meditation for daily stresses

The past year and half has been a stressful one for most of us. Hot Yoga Chelsea in Midtown, Manhattan recommends meditation for dealing with daily stress. Meditation is ideal for relieving stress, especially for individuals who feel tense, worried, and anxious. Practicing meditation techniques is relatively easy and it can be done almost any time and any place. Whether you are on your daily commute, finishing a workout or waiting at the doctor’s office, you can easily practice meditation. When it comes to emotional well-being, meditation plays a vital role and can often be used in managing medical conditions that are associated with anxiety and depression. Here are three basic forms of meditation that can help you get started: 

Guided meditation: Also known as visualization, guided meditation relies on mental images of a particular place or situation. These visuals are often associated with calmness and help in clearing the mind. 

Mindfulness meditation: Characterized by being mindful or focusing on the present moment, this type of meditation involves focusing on your breathing flow as well as observing your emotions and thoughts as they occur.

Mantra meditation: Similar to guided meditation, in Mantra meditation you will continuously repeat a particular word or phrase that will help calm you down and guide your attention. 

Quick Tips for Beginners

Here are some quick tips for your first meditation sitting: 

Eliminate distractions: It’s easy to lose focus when you sit quietly with your eyes closed. Clear your surroundings of distractions, like turning off your television and silencing your phone. Whenever your mind or attention strays, focus on returning to the image, mantra or breath.

Relax your breath: If you are busy and stressed, you may find your breath to be short and rapid. Breathe through your nose and relax your breath so that it is deep and even. This tip also applies to your yoga practice. 

Open attitude: This may be the most important. You won’t have a perfect meditation session your first time, or even your 40th time. You won’t see or feel results immediately so allow all negative thoughts to pass through without judging them.

Hot Yoga in Midtown to Relieve Daily Stress

Always remember that meditation requires patience and practice. It will be best for you not to judge your meditation practice or be attached to any expectations on how it should go. This will only increase stress and anxiety levels. Many consider Hot Yoga to be a form of meditation as it unites the body and mind with the breath. It certainly can stretch and prepare your body for long periods of traditional seated meditation. Even spending a few minutes meditating before and after your hot yoga class will bring calmness and peace to your practice. If you ever feel overwhelmed or tense, visit our studio in Midtown for a Hot Yoga class, any day of the week. Your mind and body will thank you.

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