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Hot Vinyasa

Hot Vinyasa

Hot Vinyasa at Hot Yoga Chelsea is a dynamic and invigorating style of yoga that combines flowing movements with synchronized breathwork in a studio heated to 105 degrees. This powerful practice is designed to challenge both the body and mind, helping practitioners cultivate strength, flexibility, and mindfulness with every flow. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, Hot Vinyasa offers something for everyone.

In our Hot Vinyasa class, you’ll move seamlessly from one pose to the next, linking breath with movement to create a fluid and dynamic sequence. The heat in the studio helps to deepen stretches, increase circulation, and detoxify the body, allowing you to push past physical limitations and access new levels of strength and flexibility.

The benefits of Hot Vinyasa extend far beyond the physical. As you flow through each pose, you’ll experience a profound sense of presence and focus, quieting the mind and allowing you to connect with your inner self on a deeper level. With regular practice, Hot Vinyasa can help reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and cultivate a greater sense of balance and well-being in all areas of life.

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Hot Yoga Chelsea NYC
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Authentic yoga studio without all the bells and whistles which was nice because I could really focus on my practice! I took the Bikram class with Jermaine and he was great! Felt like he was very present with us and made everyone feel comfortable!
Hot hiit yoga is a must try!! A great studio with wonderful staff! Will continue to come back
Excellent class. The facilities are very clean and there are more then one shower. The staff are very nice
The instructors are excellent and offer a range of different approaches to the poses--I learn something different from each of them. In my opinion it's in...
Best hot yoga studio in nyc, highly recommend. Great community, great teachers, great classes
Really really good vibes. The class was hard, it was so hot, but the atmosphere is amazing, the instructor knowledgeable and funny. Loved it
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